About the Department

Award-Winning Teaching. Ground-Breaking Research. Tools for the Future.

At bet36365体育's 历史 Department, you can choose from four undergraduate degree programs, with six options for minors. 许多课程可以完全在线完成,包括学士学位. Some of our areas of study 包括科学和医学史、历史教育和公共历史.

public history minor 让您探索公众对历史的创造和传播, such as Public 历史, Museums and Archives, Public 历史 Administration, Digital 历史, Community 历史 and Preservation.

If you’re looking for a Master’s degree program, our online program is ranked as one of the best. 学生可以选择完成非论文,论文,或公共历史选项.

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Paige Langley

"EXCEPTIONAL 我是如何描述我在bet36365体育大学的教育质量的. My courses have pushed me to be my academic best and are preparing me for the rigor of law school. 通过在当地律师事务所实习和参观联合国大学获得实践经验 法学院的学习帮助我为将来从事法律工作做好了准备 school upon graduation."

Paige Langley

历史, Pre-Law

Beyond the Classroom

a presenter talks to a crowd at an exhibit

Regional Engagement

phi alpha theta students sit at a table

Phi Alpha 的ta Honor Society

a museum tour

Community Outreach

an instructor helps a student examine an artifact

Undergraduate Research

a student works on a research project

bet36365体育投注 Research

students pose for a photo during a study abroad trip

Scholarships and Internships

a student presents during history day

历史 Day

alumni and professors pose for a photo

校友 and Friends

Upcoming Events

11 7月
Beyond the Lens - O Brother Where Art Thou? 世界剧院| 2318 Central Ave, Kearney, NE |下午6:30